
Bat Shit Law of the Day: Republicans & Abortion Again

Once again Republicans prove they are the party of Projection & Hypocriscy. For decades Republicans have been trying to convince the American people that it is the Democrats who want to get into people's personal lives. They say "Democrats want to control your life", the Democrats "want to control what you can & can't do, and run your lives for you."

And for the 100millionth time it is the Republicans trying to pass bills that invade an individuals personal life, and privacy.


Bat Shit Law of the Day: Miscarriages = Prenatal Murder?

A Georgia lawmaker decided to take his Anti-Abortion stance a bit further. He recently purposed to classify Miscarriages as "Prenatal Murder".

State Representative Bobby Franklin (pictured above), has introduced a bill that would make miscarriages a criminal offense. And as stated in the literature of the bill, an offense potentially punishable by death.


You Can't Be This Stupid


So when debating about the TSA possibly swabbing your mouth with a Q-tip when you fly.. Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends found a way to get around it: “all you gotta do is put someone else’s DNA in your mouth.”.  This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. He must not have even passed 2nd Grade Science Class. Whoever his teacher was for High School Biology should be fired for not failing him.

And what kind of DNA is he talking about.. Does he mean the DNA from saliva, or the DNA from someone's semen..

And now not only is what Steve Doocy said dumb, but disgusting.


What's Really Going On in Wisconsin

For the past few weeks the lead story occurring in the United States, are the protests in Wisconsin. To "cut back on the budget", Gov. Scott Walker has been pushing the bill that would require Public Union Workers (teachers, cops, fireman) to pay more into their benefits (the less egregious of the two ideas of the bill), and relinquish their Collective Bargaining Agreements (which is outrageous). What that means is that the government is basically allowed to do what it wants to Union Workers. Since the Union Workers wouldn't have the right to negotiate they have no say. This would allow the Government to come in and cut pay to whatever they want, cut benefits without warning, and fire without prior notification. The reason teachers, cops, and firefighters unionized because every time there was a need for "budget cutbacks" some of the most important jobs in the country would be the first to feel the brunt of the "cut back"

But the reason this came about is not because states need to save money, because the average Union Worker makes $47,000 in this country (that's not what's breaking our budgets in each state). It can be summed up by 1 video on Fox News. Although I gave them crap in my post Fox News Gets Owned On Fox News, this time Fox News got it absolutely right. Granted it was Shep Smith, and he is the only reasonable guy on the channel, I have to give credit where credit is due.


Bat Shit Law of the Day: Ban Karma

So Arizona has decided to take action because apparently Secret Terrorist Muslims are taking over the United States, and they are the only ones who notice. Like Arizona, Tennessee has moved forward to ban Shariah Law. Following the Conservative Ideology that all things created/looks like something from the Middle East they will ban it; Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Indiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, and Alaska have all put forth legislation to ban Shariah Law. To be honest I haven't seen Shariah Law in the U.S. But I also think Ronald Reagan was a fuck up as a President. Just obvious things I've noticed that Conservatives haven't.

I digress, Arizona is taking this a step further. Not only will they ban Shariah Law but they will ban the concept of Karma. Really? Karma? Karma isn't even a religion. what bad has come from Karma? It is the idea that the act of Good Deeds lead to Good Results, and Bad Deeds leads to Bad Results. How can you not believe in something like that? Isn't that the whole predication of Christianity (if you are good you go to heaven, if you are bad you go to hell)? Does that mean killing someone now no longer leads to the victims death because Karma has been abolished?

The Capitalist Problem

There is one main problem with Capitalism. That is it has no moral code. This moral code is something that every individual has. While we all have lapses in that code, most of us understand what is right, and what is wrong.We also have a common understanding of how to treat each other.

Capitalism's main objective is money/profits and money has no moral code. It is in fact amoral. This is what leads to the largest problem, an actual Darwinian struggle, that is not even supposed to be Darwinian. Survival of the Fittest for something none of us have control over is downright inhumane.


Billionaire Complains About His Taxes

Recently (today). Businessman/Billionaire/Former Owner of The Buffalo Sabers  Tom Golisano went on Fox & Friends to complain that his taxes were too high.

To watch the video and read how absurd what this guy is actually saying, click the jump.