
Passing Blame

I wonder if Fox News or Republicans understand the purpose of video cameras. Apparently not because they will blame Liberals/Democrats for everything no matter how crazy or how much of a reach. Then it turns out they were the ones who actually do what they blame us for. Then act so smug because not only is it on tape, when it is brought to their attention they act like it still doesn't exist. For example Media Matters is an organization who basically just watches the news and reports what people say, just posting their quotes and what they mean. Bill O'Reilly (who is the most sane/smartest affiliate of the GOP) calls them "Liberal Smear Merchants". That is why people like Obama can never win, because he tries to get agreement when agreement doesn't exist. Time to man up, grow some testicles, and get to work.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


Tim Wise Speech on The Pathology of White Privilege

I've read a couple of Tim Wise's works. He makes many good points, and raises many concerns that go often ignored in normal political debate/everyday life.

All 6 parts are in the blog post

Jon Stewart Goes After Obama's Broken Promises

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

For too long we have let Obama off with a pass. Treating him like he was our Uncle and not what he is.. A POLITICIAN.. He made promises, it is our job to hold him accountable when he outright lies or breaks a promise.

I don't want us to break out of the looney bin and get our pitchforks out like the Tea Baggers. I don't want to call him names or call him things he is not. I don't want propaganda. I want to be honest. I really respect and admire the guy but that doesn't blind me to the fact that we elected him on a set of basic ideas and promises, and if those promises are compromised, then we must fight back. No one is D.C. is going to always do the right thing, it is our job to pressure them (write letters, call their office, go to rallies, talk to congressmen, etc.)

Don't get me wrong I think his presidency has been average. It certainly is not awful. I don't regret my vote. And I certainly don't think McCain would have been better. In fact I think a McCain presidency would have been a train wreck.

All that being said if you voted for Obama for the promises he made on the campaign, you would not be happy with his job, and you certainly wouldn't agree with him more than half the time currently. If you voted for the promises and agree with his positions now you are blinded by the man, and no matter what he does you will support it..

Not only does that make you intellectually dishonest. It makes you a sucker..

You would be no better than the Bush voters in 2000 who voted for him because "he is a guy you want to have a beer with."

At the end of the day he is a politician, and if you won't hold him accountable. Please consider not voting again..