For the past few weeks the lead story occurring in the United States, are the protests in Wisconsin. To "cut back on the budget", Gov. Scott Walker has been pushing the bill that would require Public Union Workers (teachers, cops, fireman) to pay more into their benefits (the less egregious of the two ideas of the bill), and relinquish their Collective Bargaining Agreements (which is outrageous). What that means is that the government is basically allowed to do what it wants to Union Workers. Since the Union Workers wouldn't have the right to negotiate they have no say. This would allow the Government to come in and cut pay to whatever they want, cut benefits without warning, and fire without prior notification. The reason teachers, cops, and firefighters unionized because every time there was a need for "budget cutbacks" some of the most important jobs in the country would be the first to feel the brunt of the "cut back"
But the reason this came about is not because states need to save money, because the average Union Worker makes $47,000 in this country (that's not what's breaking our budgets in each state). It can be summed up by 1 video on Fox News. Although I gave them crap in my post Fox News Gets Owned On Fox News, this time Fox News got it absolutely right. Granted it was Shep Smith, and he is the only reasonable guy on the channel, I have to give credit where credit is due.