
Bat Shit Law of the Day: Republicans & Abortion Again

Once again Republicans prove they are the party of Projection & Hypocriscy. For decades Republicans have been trying to convince the American people that it is the Democrats who want to get into people's personal lives. They say "Democrats want to control your life", the Democrats "want to control what you can & can't do, and run your lives for you."

And for the 100millionth time it is the Republicans trying to pass bills that invade an individuals personal life, and privacy.


Bat Shit Law of the Day: Miscarriages = Prenatal Murder?

A Georgia lawmaker decided to take his Anti-Abortion stance a bit further. He recently purposed to classify Miscarriages as "Prenatal Murder".

State Representative Bobby Franklin (pictured above), has introduced a bill that would make miscarriages a criminal offense. And as stated in the literature of the bill, an offense potentially punishable by death.


You Can't Be This Stupid


So when debating about the TSA possibly swabbing your mouth with a Q-tip when you fly.. Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends found a way to get around it: “all you gotta do is put someone else’s DNA in your mouth.”.  This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. He must not have even passed 2nd Grade Science Class. Whoever his teacher was for High School Biology should be fired for not failing him.

And what kind of DNA is he talking about.. Does he mean the DNA from saliva, or the DNA from someone's semen..

And now not only is what Steve Doocy said dumb, but disgusting.