
A Politician Who Really Fights for the People

 Every time I talk to any one about politics, I get the same types of responses; "They are all corrupt" "They are all bought by corporations" "They don't care about us" "I hate politics because I know they don't work for us"

As an avid follower of politics, while I know most are bought off, not all of them are.

So to my friends who I've talked to about politics, and those who I haven't, who are skeptical of politicians, I will give you one example of a politicians who fights for the people... Representative Anthony Weiner.

Anthony Weiner is a Democratic Representative of New York's 9th Congressional District in the House. His district encompasses parts of Southern Brooklyn and parts of Southern & Central Queens. He has been in Congress since 1999.

I know you still don't believe me, so I will give you video footage after the jump.

Video #1: This was in July 2010 during the debate on the 9/11 First Responders bill. The back story is Democrats did a "Suspension Bill" meaning that it gets voted on as is. No amendments are allowed. This is to ensure that Representatives do not load up the bill with things that have nothing to do with the original purpose of the bill. But in order to do this instead of needing 51% of the vote to pass, you need two-thirds of the vote (meaning Republicans would need to vote for it also, and since they've been running on 9/11 for a decade everyone assumed they would vote yes).

Video #2: This video is from September 2009, during the middle stages of the health care debate. Anthony Weiner is explaining what America needs for health care. One of the few guys with the courage to argue what he truly believes in, Single Payer Health Care.

Video #3: This video is from February 2010, toward the end of the health care debate. He is interrupted several times and told to sit down because House Rules state that there are certain things you cannot say about the opposing party to keep a "civil debate".. But the best part is he keeps upping the ante every time he has to start over.. There is a lot of downtime in the video but keep watching the whole thing. Calls out Republicans for what they really are. To answer his question posed in the video: No I haven't met one.

Video #4: A Republican tries to use a fake document for arguing against the Health Care bill. BIG MISTAKE.

Video #5: This was a couple weeks ago. He tried to challenge 2 Republican Representatives who voted on a bill when they were not sworn in as Representatives yet (which is illegal). He points out the Republicans for saying they would "follow the constitution" and "be transparent" yet broke their own promises and didn't follow the constitution on their FIRST DAY of being the majority party in the House of Representatives.

Video #6: Representative Weiner was one of the few democratic politicians who fought against Obama's tax cut deal and actually stood for his word, and voted against it. Here he is on Fox News trying to debate the Estate Tax (which I wrote about in my "Why Obama's Tax Cut Deal Suck" post). Megan Kelly really just doesn't get what he is saying. And it offers a hilarious reaction when he gets pissed.

Time after time, Anthony Weiner comes out and fights for the people. He does so with passion, and honesty. In today's Congress that is a rarity.

Also a random trivia fact, during college Anthony Weiner was the roommate of Daily Show host Jon Stewart.

Many have stated that in 2013 Anthony Weiner may run for New York City Mayor (as he did in 2005)..
I'd much rather have him run for President in 2016. I think he would have a great chance of winning..

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