
What We Talking About? Government Bureaucrats?

“If there is one thing I can never understand is a person who will follow someone in the government, telling them how bad the government is, at the same time explaining how good their form of government happens to be.”

As the health care debate has been raging on and on and on, we constantly hear from the right wing about Government Bureaucrats getting in between you and your doctor. Or that they want to take Grandma’s walker, kick her in the shins and put her in front of the guy from Mortal Kombat telling you whether to finish her or not.

These people have lost their god damn minds. They just blatantly lie now, and it’s not even like a well-covered lie, I only need to type two words into google to prove their sheer stupidity. I mean at least be responsible enough to use Wikipedia. Don’t make it so easy.

But the biggest lie of them all is when these people in the government, tell me how bad and inefficient the government is. (The irony is precious). But when they say government programs are inefficient, it is not the program, it is them specifically. When they say how bad it is to have the government involved, they are really talking about themselves.

Without the government in our lives, this “socialism” that is “killing the idea of America”, capitalism wouldn’t exist. And if you listen to Conservatives, Capitalism is the core of America, do we not see this contradiction.

Before we continue if you feel that socialism is so bad and is the ruin of society, then I give you one suggestion you may want to leave this country. Because it never has and never will be a capitalism utopia. Socialism has always been required in accordance of Capitalism because 100% free market capitalism is as damaging as 100% dictatorship. Why do you think we suffer the biggest economic ruins for the common man when capitalism is deregulated at tremendous amounts? See Hoover in the 1920’s, see Reagan in the 1980’s (don’t believe the hype, if you weren’t rich, you weren’t thriving), and old fuck up himself George W. Bush in the 2000’s. The standard of living between the rich and the poor widens, and the tax cuts given to the richest of this population incur a deficit that no health care bill could match. Did you know that food stamps generate more money than tax cuts do? You would think I’m crazy but it is the truth. Food stamps generate $1.33 for every $1 of food stamps given out in our economy. Whereas, for every $1 tax cut it only generates $.66. So when Bush gives the largest tax cut in the history of the U.S. it costs the United States’ economy nearly the same amount of money as the Public Option Health Care Bill would have cost us.

The idea of trickle-down economics (where the more wealth given to the rich means more money for circulation for the poor and middle class) doesn’t even work. If I give a person a $2,000 tax cut (essentially that’s all we are arguing about), it doesn’t go to the poor, he doesn’t hire people with that money, he himself pockets it and spends it on things for his own leisure. Tax cuts for those who have, does not create wealth for those who don’t, it creates a wider gap between those who do and those who don’t.

Between the 1950’s-1970’s “America’s Golden Age”, where we built the massive wealth that made us a super power, created families, jobs, and overall prosperity, what do you think the tax rate was for the richest of the country? Do you think the tax rate was at the current 35%-39%? Lower? Nope, it was anywhere between 70%-90% tax on income. The rich were still rich but the non-rich were able to have a lifestyle that made everyone better off. You stimulate the economy by having everyone pay not an equal share but a fair share. That’s how society thrives you make more you should have to pay more taxes. I think their pocket can handle it, they’ve been stealing for the common man for decades anyways.

But if you hate socialism so much, and don’t know how to express your hatred, I will tell you a few things you should avoid. The cops, they are funded through socialism. So if someone is breaking in your house, don’t call the police. The fire dept., if your house is burning, do you really want socialists to put it out? Don’t think about getting an education, I mean damn socialist liberals are the only ones getting an education. Don’t drive on roads, Don’t stand on sidewalks. As a matter of fact, don’t even do anything because almost every single part of your free life, you owe to the government and their socialism, protecting you from the harm of Manufacturer and not consumer driven capitalism.

But still someone may not believe me, and think the government running things is bad still. Let’s take a second to look shall we.

The government created Unemployment Insurance. Without this, if one were to say lose their job, it would almost be a Mike Tyson uppercut to your life until you could find steady employment again. You would almost definitely lose your house, your car, and end up on the street with no means for survival. Unemployment gives you enough time to try and land on your feet, instead of losing everything.

Without the government bureaucrats, hundreds of thousands would never have gone to college. Government loans and grants have made it possible for anyone who didn’t have parents living in the gated community, the chance at higher education. Trying to ensure the premise that hard work really means something in this country. Not hard work + family dollars = chances

Had it not been for social security, millions of elderly people would not have been able to financially survive when they hit the retirement age. If there was no Medicare, the people who need the most treatment would go untreated.

Had it not been for welfare, food stamps, food surplus lines and government handouts, those of every race who have to work 2-3 jobs would have to pick up 5-6 jobs just to make sure the heat stays on in the winter, and the fridge has some food in it.

Without government bureaucrats there would be no business competition. You would only have one brand to choose from and that’s it. You don’t like it, you don’t buy it at all.

This all brings us back to health care.

Now we are afraid of “government bureaucrats getting between you and your doctor.” But here’s the bad news, if you have private insurance there already is a bureaucrat between you and your doctor. They are called Insurance Companies. They can decide what treatment you get, how much treatment you will receive, if they even want to give you treatment at all. If you get cancer, the insurance company looks through your medical history, and if they find out there is one thing wrong they will take away your health care (in one case they took health care away from a woman dying of cancer because she didn’t tell the insurance company she had asthma as a child). And if you try to go to a different insurance you have a “pre-existing condition” and are left hanging out to dry.

If they don’t want to treat you they can change your policy and put a new cap on how much ($ amount) they want to cover.

There is a reason why according to the World Health Organization our health care costs the most and is ranked 37th in the world. And the universal health care socialist countries like France, Italy rank 1st and 2nd. There is no problems with long lines, paper work and rationing of care. The problem is the United States has a problem allowing private citizens the right to capitalize on the pain, death, and agony of others. For the “best country in the world”, we sure don’t care to see our citizens healthy. Let’s face it private insurance causes lines, it causes tremendous paper work, and they damn sure decide who does and doesn’t get care. So who cares about an industry that doesn’t care what happens to you. They have failed at what they do and don’t even give it at an efficient price. So let’s look at having the government provide everyone health care at a cheaper price, with more coverage.

United States has 30% obesity and still raising. France has 9.4% obesity, Italy is at 8.5% obesity, Canada at 14.3% obesity. Sweden 9.7%. Finland 12.7%. United Kingdom which is the 3rd worst is still 10% behind the U.S.

Infant Mortality Rate in the United States is 6.3 per every 1,000 live births. France 4.2, Italy 5, Canada 4.8, United Kingdom 4.8, Sweden 3.2 , Finland 3.7.

Life expectancy – United States is 78.2 years old, France 80, Canada 80.7, Italy 80.5, Sweden 80.9, United Kingdom 79.4, and Finland 79.3.

So next time someone tells you how bad Socialized Medicine is tell them that we lag behind all the socialist countries and we have the best technology. Tell them how it costs 10x more to get an MRI in the U.S. than it does in Asia. The same MRI machine mind you.

The problem is not socialism or the government bureaucrats who want to enact policy to help people. It is the private industries and the politicians in bed with them who are warning of bureaucrats that are the problem, and keep the people who want to help from getting anything done.

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