This sign makes me want to make a dumb tea party sign post.. |
We all know the Tea Party as our favorite Gun-Toting Conservative friends who have no grasp on history, or well anything for that matter... Except for shotguns, misspelling of simple words, Ted Nugent, and Mullets..
Could it be that the whole resurgence of the tea party is based on not understanding the history of the country they love so much? You would be absolutely right.
First the Tea Party claims that they want our politicians to follow the framework our "Founding Fathers" set...
What they do not know is why the Constitutional Convention that lead to the creation of our Constitution and the framework for the United States came about.
The Constitutional Convention came about in response to Shay's Rebellion (where Daniel Shays a Revolutionary War Hero lead an uprising against the Massachusetts State Government.when the Governor vetoed a law that would ease loan repayments on farmers). The Founders saw this and realized that they needed a Strong Executive (Executive = President), and Federal Government that could unite all the states (who were becoming very separate after the Revolutionary War), and squash civilian uprisings like Shay's Rebellion. So when the Tea Party says that the founders wanted a weak federal government, they are ignoring history. The entire purpose of the Constitution was to create a strong Executive. To accompany this new Executive, was a strong Legislative Branch to check and balance the Executive.
Another principle of the Tea Party is based on Historical Figues. One is Patrick Henry (the "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" guy). About the Constitution Patrick Henry said "This Constitution is said to have beautiful features; but when I come to examine these features, sir, they appear to me horribly frightful. Among other deformities, it has an awful squinting; it squints toward monarchy; and does not this raise indignation in the breast of every true American?"
So when these Tea Baggers talk about following the Constitution, know that one of their PRINCIPLE INFLUENCES basically said that the Constitution was a piece of crap that took away people's freedoms.
The Tea Party people don't understand anything. I don't take any of them seriously and their opinions are hardly valid because they're so ridiculous. I also wonder about the mental state of a lot of them. But perhaps the saddest part of all of this is that they actually believe what is on their signs.